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Virginia Commonwealth University
Virginia Commonwealth University
School of Business
Non-Degree Seeking Student Request
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
In order to register for any VCU course, you must have an active student status. Have you been activated as a non-degree seeking student for this semester?
In order to register for any VCU course, you must have an active student status. Have you been activated as a non-degree seeking student for this semester?
Yes, and I have my Student ID (V#)
Not yet. I have submitted my non-degree application, but have yet to receive confirmation.
No. I have not yet submitted by non-degree application.
Great! Enter your VCU V#
An active student record is required to register for any VCU course. You must request to be activated via the non-degree seeking admissions process
outlined here
After you have received confirmation of your active status, please email Austen Gouldman ( with your VCU V# to be attached to this request.
We will begin issuing seats to non-degree seeking students no later than one week before the start of the semester, depending on estimated course demand.
Summer 2025
I request an override for the following course(s):
ACCT 507 - Fundamentals of Accounting CRN: 40954
BRND 651 - Creative Thinking in Advertising CRN: 42153
FIRE 520 - Financial Concepts of Mgmt CRN: 36324
INFO 636 - Securing Cloud Infrastructure CRN: 41461
INFO 661 - Info Systems for Managers CRN: 40380
INFO 664 - Info Sys for Business Intell (to be listed, email me when class has posted)
MGMT 641 - Leading People & Organizations CRN: 37950
MGMT 642 - Business Policy & Strategy CRN: 11440
MKTG 671 - Marketing Management CRN: 36375
Is the course you are considering not listed? Not all graduate business courses allow non-degree seeking student registration. If the course is an undergraduate business course, you will need to
request an seat via another form
If you have additional questions regarding registration for graduate business courses as a non-degree seeking student, please contact Austen Gouldman (
Only two graduate business courses are permitted prior to acceptance. If you are requesting more than one course, please rank your course preference below.
Why are you interested in taking a course instead of applying for formal admission to a graduate program?
Do you have any questions/comments?
Please upload a current resume and a copy of your transcript(s) showing your undergraduate degree.
If transcript does not show the degree conferred, please also upload a diploma copy.
Transcript 2 (if applicable)
Transcript 3 (if applicable)