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Virginia Commonwealth University
Virginia Commonwealth University
School of Business
Executive MBA Strategic Dilemma Project Application
Company Information
Company Name
HIDDEN: Company Key
Company Website
Organization Type
Organization Type
Not for profit
For profit
Business Address
Business Address
Postal Code
HIDDEN: Address Type = Business
Home Address
Mailing Address
Permanent Address
Business Address
Project Liaison
Project Liaison First Name
Project Liaison Last Name
Job Title
Project Liaison Email Address
Is Project Liaison a VCU graduate?
Is Project Liaison a VCU graduate?
Brief description of your organization's products or services:
Preliminary project description and / or scope:
Terms and Conditions
Any proprietary information provided by the participating organization, the project sponsor, will be considered confidential.
Nondisclosure Form
will be signed by all VCU parties working on the project.
When the application is accepted, sponsor agrees to pay the project fee: $5,000 for-profit organizations (public or private), $4,000 for not-for-profit organizations. This fee offsets costs of faculty participation and other project expenses.
A $1,000 discount will be applied for projects connected to students or alumni of the VCU EMBA program.
I acknowledge that I have read and agree to the above terms and conditions