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Virginia Commonwealth University
Virginia Commonwealth University
School of Business
Sponsored Project Proposal
Please use this form to submit a project proposal for a cross-disciplinary project with the VCU da Vinci Center’s undergraduate and/or graduate students.
You may submit more than one proposal, but use a separate submission form for each proposal. If you would like to update your proposal, use the link in your submission confirmation email.
We will follow-up with you if more information is needed to review your submission and to communicate the status of your proposal. Please contact
Allison Schumacher
with any questions you may have.
Select the program level of da Vinci students you would prefer to work with:
Select the program level of da Vinci students you would prefer to work with:
Graduate (Master of Product Innovation)
Sponsoring Organization
Organization Name
Organization Address
Organization Address
Postal Code
Sponsor Contact
Who is the best person for us to contact to discuss this proposal?
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Best Phone Number
Job Title
Project Liaison
Who will meet with the team, answer questions and emails, and supply addition information during the course of the project?
Liaison is same as sponsor contact
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Job Title
Executive Sponsor
Who is the senior most executive in your organization who will authorize the project, if other than the sponsor liaison?
Executive Sponsor is same as sponsor contact
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Job Title
Project Details
Please note
: all information provided below will remain confidential until requested legal documentation has been signed by all student participants.
Project Title
Please provide a one to two sentence project description that, if selected, may be shared publicly on the da Vinci Center’s website and in students' portfolios and resumés
What problem is the project looking to solve?
How was the problem discovered?
What would you like the team to accomplish by the end of the semester?
Please provide a brief description of any organizational or environmental factors that may support, impede or confound the project
Briefly describe any information we may share with the student team in support of this project
Fine Print
Some students have jobs or internships with companies that might raise conflict of interest concerns. Are there any companies whose employees (students) you would wish to exclude to avoid a conflict of Interest?
Some students have jobs or internships with companies that might raise conflict of interest concerns. Are there any companies whose employees (students) you would wish to exclude to avoid a conflict of Interest?
List companies below
Will your organization require any legal documents, such as a non-disclosure agreement or intellectual property assignment?
Will your organization require any legal documents, such as a non-disclosure agreement or intellectual property assignment?
Select all that apply. We will follow up on items selected here
Select all that apply. We will follow up on items selected here
Non-Disclosure Agreement
Intellectual Property Assignment
If “Other” please elaborate
Legal contact at your organization
First Name
Last Name
Do you have any questions?
Please share your questions or concerns below: